2015年10月19日 星期一

Chapter 6  What is a financial market? 
                  Global markets as microinstitutional and post-traditional social forms作為微觀制度和後傳統社會形態的全球市場

-Karin  Knorr  Cetina  

Few concepts today are as widely used as the concept of a market, few are accorded more importance, and few slip away more easily when closely examined. Financial markets in particular have a stunning and ever more ambivalent presence in our world.)  The financial crisis of 2008–9 surely made it apparent that financial markets have become a measure of well-being in countries where individuals depend on them for pensions, credit, and income, and governments and corporations depend on them for growth and investments. Yet, when we search for a market concept that captures what we observe in a financial market, we will not readily find it in sociology or even economics. 

What is a financial market from a behavioral rather than a functional perspective? Is there a special “ finance motive” that characterizes financial markets but not other kinds? Is a financial market in some sense a coordinated collective form?  Think of the common contrast between markets, hierarchies, and networks. Markets feature in such distinctions as the least structured entity; in fact, the mechanism of supply-and-demand that guarantees a balanced, working market in economics is not a principle of social coordination at all, but an invisible hand that works through self-interested, dispersed participants who adjust their choices to price signals.
This chapter looks at the ways in which a financial market is not an empty configuration at all but rather a densely structured and coordinated cultural form. Empirical research has long suggested various action-level components of financial markets (e.g., Abolafia 1996; Baker 1984 ; Knorr Cetina forthcoming; Knorr Cetina and Bruegger 2002;  Preda 2009a , 2009b ; Smith 1999 , 2007 , this volume; Zaloom  2006 ).  
本章著眼於金融市場不是一個空洞的結構,而是一個密集的組織和協調的文化形態。實證研究一直認為金融市場的各個動作成分(例如,貝克Abolafia 19961984;諾爾-塞蒂納動靜;諾爾-塞蒂納和Bruegger2002;而2009A2009B;史密斯19992007,這卷;紮魯姆2006)。


This chapter builds on this research; it specifically tries to capture key characteristics of those financial markets that are now global in nature and based entirely on electronic trading.
Before outlining these features, I first look at existing market concepts, which are based on how we view markets in the primary economy. I argue that financial markets are not like the primary markets of a production economy; if production, consumption, and their interface, exchange, are the three pillars of the economy, finance is a fourth pillar.
The next two sections clarify this, and the following two look at the architecture of global financial markets. In contrast to what the idea of an atomistic market suggests, financial markets appear to be coordinated by a central media mechanism which is “scopic” and functions like a mirror -  coordination is based on a projected, augmented, and continually updated electronic rendering and image of the market. 

On participants’ side, this corresponds to the coercive demand for continuous observation and responsiveness; financial markets have a microsociological “build,” which is highlighted in the regime of attention by which they are governed. The next section explores how such markets, which are systems outside organizations, intersect with firms.

The last section illustrates the temporal vectors of financial markets: I discuss analytic time as a feature of a market that runs forward at its own speed and schedules; the market flow across time zones; and the global communities of time the regime of attention creates. 

All of these characteristics identify financial markets as nontraditional in terms of the mechanisms involved, which are nonhierarchical, mediative-scopic, and extended from the very intimate face-to-face situation. They also identify financial markets as a collective social form — a forerunner, perhaps, of an organizational design that is both genuinely global and postindustrial in nature. 

    Market concepts  市場理念 p.116


It is plain that the emergence of such attentionally integrated communities is premised on the presence of scopic media—on the screen as a device that continually rolls out the market, “ flowing ” it to viewers as a reality of its own. 
Markets are transactional worlds connected not only via traditional organizational media, such as networks or rules of trading practice, but via reflexive mirroring systems that gather up transactions, augmenting and embodying them as “market” for an audience of observers. 

While human-to-human trading remains a possibility in these markets, human-to-screen/ market trading appears dominant, and trading by algorithms (market-to-market trading) is an increasingly important component. 

The concept of a coercive response system intends to capture the micro-institutional foundation of these markets, while also seeing them as scopic environments in which media and media feeds have become embedded in human interaction. 

The scopic mode of life raises research questions not addressed in this chapter, for example the question of how the attentional resources located not only on an organizational, technological, and interactional  level, but also on a cognitive (information processing) and neural level, supplement and interact with one another. 

Another vector in the scopic realm which I cannot discuss here concerns the emotional and libidinal underpinning of trading—and how it relates to the sociology of greed as a relevant phenomenon in the trading ecologies of finance.   


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